The quest for smaller machine footprints continues as designers seek new ways to reduce machine size while increasing output. The Zero-Max CD coupling pictured provides precise and reliable shaft connections in less space than other couplings. It operates without fatigue for reliable 24/7 operation required in the latest machine designs.

Key to this CD coupling design is the composite flex element. It provides high torsional stiffness, yet allows for misalignment in high stress applications. In addition, these zero-backlash CD couplings provide smooth operation at high speeds. The coupling’s high performance material is configured in a compact design like that pictured surpassing the performance of much longer couplings. The resulting space savings enables machine designers to reduce the foot print saving valuable floor space.
Specific specifications of the CD coupling pictured are:
• 12 inches diameter
• 4.5 inches in length
• Continuous Torque Rating – 76,800 in-lbs
• Torsional Stiffness – 250,000 in-lbs/degree
• Design Speed – 5000 RPM
• Engineered specifically to operate in sub critical speed
• Maximum Angular Misalignment – 1.5 inches
• Maximum Radial Misalignment – .045 inches
• Maximum axial misalignment – .200 inches
• Coupling inertia is 984 lb-inch2
• Coupling weight is 43.9 lbs
Designed around Zero-Max’s unique composite center disc, Compact CD couplings perform at peak torques in the most hostile operating environments – from extreme cold to hot weather conditions -70° to +250°F (-57° to + 121°C). Time-proven applications include drive trains, gear boxes and generators providing trouble-free operation in sea water and abrasive desert sand conditions.
For information about CD couplings, call 1-800-533-1731. Outside US and Canada, call 763-546-4300. See at: