As completion of its product range, Teseo releases on the market a new diameter for its compressed air distribution pipings, further widening its offer and application opportunities and raising its competitiveness level.

In the industrial and craft operational context, it is frequent the presence of compression power plants, at whose downstream we can find distribution lines of compressed air, transport vehicle of the fluid power until the application point. Application that, depending on the cases, can involve small-size tools as well as fully automated complex lines. The air transport represents then a delicate important process point, to which it is worth paying the due attention, in a context of technological evolution and innovation that constantly witnesses the growth of the flow rate demands and the requirements of pneumatic utilities. Quality and performances to which Teseo, company with headquarters at Desenzano sul Garda (Brescia, Italy), specialized in the design and production of distribution systems for compressed air, vacuum, nitrogen and other pressurized fluids, has always dedicated attention and resources, through an intense research and development activity aimed at offering more and more interesting innovative solutions to the market. As in the case of the new AP36 diameter, belonging to its renowned AP distribution line of compressed air.
Light and performing
«This new profile – confirms Mr Paolo Nardi, sales manager of the company – completes the AP range, filling the gap existing until now between AP28 and AP45 diameters».

«The new 36 millimetre-diameter, identified by the initials AP36 – adds Mr Nardi – is lighter and faster to assemble in comparison with the D32 profile of the Hbs line and features all the advantages of the renowned AP range: thanks to its unique design and a wide range of accessories, in fact, it makes the assembly and the plant modifications absolutely fast, even when the work is accomplished. Assembly made even simpler and in actually more than halved times, in virtue of the reduction from the previous 8 to the current 3 screws, deriving from our above-mentioned “dovetail” patent».More in detail, AP identifies the latest modular pipe developed by the company and available in the diameters from 22 to 68 mm, with a complete range of accessories. Pipes are made of extruded aluminium and are connected to fittings, equipped with O-ring seals, by the particular patented junction and locking “dovetail” system.
The new diameter, as on the other hand all those included in the range, can be installed with common use equipment, with few easy and safe operations, without threading, welding or painting anything. All four profile faces can be used to apply outlet plates or for possible anchorage points.
«It is worth underlining – adds Mr Nardi – a peculiarity that makes the new profile rank in a highly appealing quality-price target. Keeping performances unchanged, it offers in fact a weight that is lower by about 20%, value that well points out the saving in terms of material and then of minor direct costs».
Likewise, the new-generation Teseo joints benefit from a drastic reduction of locking screws, which result in a significant reduction of installation times. Besides, the new AP36 profile can be curved, thus allowing the execution of curves with wide radius, at 45° and 90° or any required angle and shape.
Able to distribute compressed air up to 15 bars of pressure, vacuum and other not dangerous gases, today the AP profile is then available in 6 different diameters: 22 mm, 28 mm, 36 mm, 45 mm, 54 mm and 68 mm, that is to say ½ inch and 2 inches and ½. Suitable for the construction of descent columns from the main line, small distribution networks and manifolds for machines or control panels, thanks to its design and development it enables an air intake attainable by drilling the aluminium profile, where necessary. Applying, furthermore, the appropriate outlet plate, in whatever time, even when the plant is completed.
«Modularity, perfect sealing– states Mr Nardi – and then energy saving are the main peculiarities of this system that represents an optimal solution, ranking in the top products of the range in terms of performances but, on the contrary, proving to be very competitive for the intrinsic technical reasons already explained».

More accessories and higher functions
Today at Teseo’s, however, innovation means also a new choice of new accessories for the historical HBS 110 (Hollow Bar System) profile, modular piping available with diameters up to 110 mm of inner working diameter, and renowned on the market to perform several functions: as cross joint for more compact by-passes and “grid” distribution rings. Interesting accessories implemented upon precise feedback of some customers include the 45°-joint, studied and developed to facilitate the displacements and the level changes of the plant and a flanged terminal for butterfly valves, tanks, filters and driers.
«The introduction of these new accessories – adds and ends Mr Nardi – meets our company’s target of facilitating the installer’s work, developing solutions able to simplify and to speed up installation and modification activities of the distribution plants of compressed air and other not hazardous pressurized fluids».
Pioneer of fluid solutions and distribution systems, Teseo is then always in the forefront, offering the state of the art of a technology where it has been protagonist of the market for almost thirty years. Parent company of 5 subsidiaries distributed in Europe (Spain, The Netherlands, Great Britain and Germany) and in Americas (Canada), it can rely on a capillary and widespread network of distributors, where 65 employees in all work today (35 of them employed in the Brescia branch), for a global turnover that in 2014 is expected to reach 10 million Euros.