Established over 50 years ago as aluminium foundry, today FMV Trasmissioni Meccaniche produces more than 2,000 typologies of aluminium alloy and metal grooved pulleys, as well as mechanical components. A range that will be soon completed by a new line of pulleys, aimed at exploiting aluminium scraps.
Headquartered in Tuscany, at Poggibonsi (Siena, Italy), FMV Trasmissioni Meccaniche is an Italian industrial reality strictly connected with its territory and its social fabric. Operating on the market as foundry since the Sixties, it has recently undertaken a specialization in the production of aluminium-alloy grooved pulleys, taking care of not only the metal casting but also of the entire machining process up to the finished product, ready for assembly. In this context, the element that has always differentiated the company is the care of quality, meant in its widest acceptation, and of the environment, adopted by the company along the whole product development cycle. Approach that has once more concretized in a new project, i.e. a new product line aimed at exploiting aluminium scraps.
«Soon –Lisa Valiani, engineer at Fmv and third generation in the company, explains – not only a new pulley but a real circular economy project is incoming. A project currently in progress, included in the circular economy concept that our company has unceasingly developed as one of the fundamental target values».
FMV, constantly focused on the recycling and the reuse of waste materials, with this project intends to give a second life and different usefulness to scraps. Due to the collaboration with the University of Design in Florence, the ideated and implemented products will be ready for release by the yearend.
«The project – Mrs Valiani adds – stems from the participation in a Call of the Tuscany Region “To support MSME for the acquisition of services for innovation”, and will also result in the optimization of the production process control, both identifying flows and procedures able to decrease wastes and intervening on the targeted management of a particular aspect. I am referring to the number of big-size wastes, 55% of the overall waste that makes up 1% of the production».
Green attitude at the service of precision engineering
«The theme of environment, reuse and recycling– the engineer Valiani highlights – makes components under design unique of their kind. Our company has always conformed to environmental regulations. Concerning this, we apply an integrated quality and environment Management System, in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001 and UNI EN ISO 14001 regulations, while the UNI EN ISO 45001 certification is in progress».
Moreover, FMV ranks among the companies mentioned in the ECOfriendly course during last MECSPE in Parma (a virtual and real path among the exhibitors that adopt a green and precisely eco-friendly policy in their business strategies, standing out for a particular environment protection), and it has certified the Environmental Management since 2011.
«For the technical definition of the product we will devise – Mrs Valiani adds – our choice was implementing a creative workshop including focus groups on potential target market scenarios. All this with the involvement of subjects of different provenience: 20 Students of the Master Graduation Course in Design of Florence University, business representatives, creative professionals and market experts».
The new products, the first of a new series of collections, will be created with the support by several players in various sectors, students included, and this will make the piece “unique” of its kind, with great novelty elements in solutions already available on the market currently.
Innovation, creativity and competence
Therefore, FMV stands out as a vertically integrated company, from design to casting, from machining to quality control, equipped with an in-house foundry department and able to execute machining operations. A flexible reactive structure that can also boast a strong bent for innovation, creativity and competence. These prerogatives let the company be the supplier of the vast majority of the companies that manufacture building and agricultural machinery, food processing machines, electric motors, tire removers, pumps, compressors, underwater compressors, rehabilitative gymnastic equipment, scaffolding, urban furniture, lighting and much more.
«Our goal – Mrs Valiani states – is constantly innovating and improving. The demonstration is the circular economy project explained in these pages. To enhance the quality of the products we implement, we have bought a radioscopic machine. Besides, in 2019 we have attended over 100 hours of training to acquire the second-level qualification in non-destructive tests with radiographic method and penetrating liquids. The staff has attended these courses, with acknowledged exams: Course in Non-Destructive tests, Penetrating Liquid Method, Level 2 according to UNI EN ISO 9712:2012; Course in Non-Destructive tests, Radiographic-Radioscopy Method Level 2 according to UNI EN ISO 9712:2012. All this to acquire new competences and to introduce a further control, improving product quality and customer satisfaction».
[su_box title=”The force of ‘made in Italy, made in Tuscany'”]FMV has succeeded in reacting to the vicissitudes occurred in last months, not only deploying all safety measures demanded by protocols but treasuring the undertaken course of process digitalization inside the company. «Some of the employees of the administration division – Mrs Costanza Conti Valiani ends – went on operating at home through the “smart working” but, already for some years now, the company has been strongly focusing on digital and will continue to do that with determination.
Our “mission” is implementing products and services with full protection of workers and environment, assuring a high level of customer and stakeholder satisfaction. In this context, we pursue unceasing improvement by working at training and at the development of our collaborators’ skills, as well as at the strict relationship between students and labour world. Although our products are exported worldwide, FMV is steadily rooted into Poggibonsi territory and strongly believes in the expansion abroad of the made in Italy, made in Tuscany brand”».[/su_box]