The company MP Filtri is a multinational with Italian history and heart, today operating in the world with nine subsidiaries that allow it to reach over one hundred Countries with its products. Established in 1964 by Bruno Pasotto, today the company ranks among the primary global players specialized in solutions at the service of any applicative requirement for the hydraulic industry. In the specific case, along the years it has assumed a leadership role, on a world scale, in the ambit of filtration solutions, of contamination monitoring devices and power transmission components in hydraulic circuits. With over five million parts implemented every year in Italy and more than 77-million turnover, the Group, with headquarters at Pessano con Bornago (Milan, Italy), is currently managed by the second generation of the family and constantly works to increase the corporate value on the domestic and on foreign markets, due to its direct presence in strategic states like Germany, France and United Kingdom (where the new design, production and stocking factory is under construction in Worcestershire), United States, Canada, Russia, India and China and Singapore, where at the beginning of 2022 the Group’s ninth foreign branch opened the doors.
New markets
«For MP Filtri, this widespread presence is fruit of the deep market knowledge and of the capability of innovating in-house. Our research and development sector has always been strictly intertwined with the internal production, allowing us to develop technologically advanced and increasingly sustainable products, for the whole application range that characterizes the divisions of Hydraulic Filtration, Power Transmission, Contamination Control Solutions and Tank Accessories». According to Renato Tengattini, Domestic Sales Manager MP Filtri, this capability of more and more intercepting industrial sectors’ requirements is today a competitive edge for the company, confirming this rising trend for the future.

«Our core business – Tengattini adds -, which originally provided for a production almost exclusively dedicated to applications at the service of the industrial sector, along the time has widened to the extent of reaching new chains. This allows us extreme flexibility and, as it happened also during the difficult short-term business trend that has characterized the last period, compensating the drops in some determinate sectors with the growths, even impetuous, of others. It is the case of agriculture, which in recent years is representing one of the most positive examples of growth for our applications, due to the more and more technological replacement of machines and equipment, combined with an increased awareness of the themes connected with environment and sustainability, which nowadays accompanies the new generations of agricultural entrepreneurs. Concepts that have always been in our DNA. Let us just consider that since the design of our headquarters, we have complied with forefront standards established for safety, energy saving, recovery of resources and wellbeing for workers. These base concepts can be fully found in our products and they increasingly represent a strong point, letting us to be ready, especially today when not only consumers’ behaviours and wishes but also stricter and stricter regulations in that matter (see those dedicated to the automotive sector that in cascade more and more will concern also other fields) introduce increasingly severe standards in the issue of the environment protection and research of greener and more sustainable alternatives».
State-of-the-art filters
Referring to a strongly expanding sector for MP Filtri, like the agricultural one, an example of ideal solution is represented by the EliXir® series. It is a new concept of filter with in-line connections for low-pressure hydraulic circuits up to 16 bars. Available in three versions and four sizes, the new generation of products developed by the Milanese company promises a great improvement in terms of design, reliability, duration and environment protection.

The heads made of aluminium and the plastic container allow reducing the overall weight by 10% compared to previous spins-on. The new design regarding the connection of the filter body with the filtering element and between the body itself and the container makes the overall sealing system more reliable and particularly suitable for applications in the agricultural and forestry sector, in addition to building industry machines. The lower environmental impact is assured by the possibility of replacing the only FEX filtering element during maintenance interventions. This novelty is framed in the strategy and will of MP Filtri of supplying the hydraulic sector with a more and more performing product, able to interpret the new requirements of low impact and environment protection. Until few years ago, in fact, these aspects were at least secondary in many working ambits: let us just consider the agricultural world, today driven not only by renewed awareness but also by the effects of regulations (Tier 5) that make manufacturers find solutions that impose to protect more the environment. Precisely to conform to this trend, they conceived the idea of proposing an alternative solution to the standard Spin-On systems, converting and adapting technologies already experimented successfully in various industrial sectors. EliXir® can bring important advantages, due to its features such as low weight and higher filter capacity, making the difference especially during maintenance phases. The solution, in fact, allows replacing and disposing the only filtering part.
Competitive edges
Research and innovation, green heart and extreme flexibility in proposing solutions not only in the catalogue but also tailor-made, to satisfy single customers’ specific requirements, have allowed MP Filtri to prosecute its course also in a period when, after the global crisis generated by the pandemic, a vertiginous boom of economy counterbalanced it, however affected by the unknowns connected with the scarcity of raw materials, logistics’ difficulties and the rise of prices for manufacturers.
Difficulties that Brianza Group succeeds in overcoming better than others thanks to various structural factors that today result in competitive edge. «In these months – Tengattini adds- we are witnessing a real boom of orders, which we can manage with excellent response times thanks to various organizational and structural factors, which allow satisfying customers’ requirements at best. Essentially, this occurs due to the capability of in-house managing almost all of our manufacturing processes and of carrying out the processes of metal stamping and casting in our factories. All that implies the minimized dependence on a whole series of external factors that are significantly influencing many supply chains in industrial sectors».
Internal solutions
An example for all: Lurano factory (Bergamo), which takes up a manufacturing area of almost ten thousand sq.m., can rely on forefront technologies for the creation of components for the Hydraulic Filtration and Power Transmission division. The company’s foundry, it too conceived to comply with environmental sustainability parameters, uses aluminium alloy ingots made through the scrap recovery and regenerated for industrial use.

This is completed by strongly automated high-productivity die casting processes, which allow better dimensional tolerances and surface finishes. «The foundry and the plastic material moulding department – the sales manager of MP Filtri adds- are the feather in the cap of an efficient manufacturing process controlled in all single phases, so permitting us to be present in countless sectors: mobile and stationary industrial market, test benches, heavy industry, renewable energies, marine and off-shore engineering, motor sports and aeronautics systems». Another excellence centre implemented by the company along the years is constituted by the CMP Division, which in the Group’s English branch designs and manufactures systems and products for the monitoring of fluid contamination degree, essential not only to assure the operation continuity of hydraulic systems but also strategic for customers to the end of the continuity in the manufacturing cycle and for the preventive and predictive maintenance. «To reach this broad range of sectors with technologically advanced, and then competitive products, we cannot set aside an offer able to intercept manufacturers’ need of offering machines better and better designed and equipped with high-quality, scarcely cumbersome, increasingly durable, customized and performing components. Fundamentally, this has always been our mission».