The e-MOTICON (e-MObility Transnational strategy for an Interoperable COmmunity and Networking in the Alpine Space) project faces the problem of the low and inhomogeneous diffusion of the electric mobility in the Alpine space territory. One reason for this inadequate diffusion can be identified in the lacking interoperability of charge infrastructures for electric vehicles.
Realized in collaboration by 15 partners and 41 observers from Italy, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, France and Switzerland, the project is co-funded by the Fesr fund through the European Alpine Space 2014-2020 programme, with an amount of 1,772,722.67 Euros (total amount of the project 2,085,556.10 Euros).
Target of the project is improving the competences and knowledge in this field through the integration of the planning instruments of Public Administrations, in a transnational approach able to orient coordinated initiatives of the Alpine Space territory. e-MOTICON will deliver a “White book ” containing the best practices on the interoperability of charge infrastructures for electric vehicles and their planning, and the “Guidelines “, mainly addressing Public Administrations and aimed at a homogeneous approach inside the Alpine Space.
Finally, e-MOTICON will build a transnational community of public and private players mainly interested in discussing and working together on the issues of the electric mobility and of the interoperability of charge infrastructures. The project will end in April 2019.