IMI Precision Engineering releases three outstanding novelties in the air treatment sector and consolidates its strategy to satisfy the requirements in the various applicative ambits.

The biggest of the three divisions that compose the offer by IMI plc Group, IMI Precision Engineering prosecutes its strategy aimed at offering products and solutions “tailored” for customers, clearly supported by the three pillars that characterize its way of working: increasing the turnover, betting on vertical markets that provide the best business opportunities, satisfying customers with a quality service expressed also through the digital transformation and the sharing improvement by means of common and efficient processes and systems. In the Italian branch at Vimercate, which relies on a structure employing 43 people and which, besides coordinating the sales and distribution network, houses an assembling line, they look with optimism at the release of new solutions in the air treatment sector.
Fit and forget
Among the novelties recently proposed to the market, it is worth highlighting the new range of ISOline pneumatic actuators, which essentially stand out for the simplified installation, the extended duration of the lifecycle and the low maintenance costs, thanks to the “Fit and forget” system based on the reliable and powerful IMI Norgren technology. Isoline completes the IMI Norgren range of high-performance ISO standard cylinders, with a cylinder for each application. It is equipped with the automatic ACS (Adaptive Cushioning System) by IMI Norgren, designed to allow the automatic adjustment of the cylinder cushioning for variable loads, thus avoiding the manual regulation of the relative screw. Therefore, specialized knowledge is not necessary, for a better and safer operation process. Besides, conforming to the ISO 15552 regulation, the products of the range are even 20% lighter than previous pneumatic cylinders and offer excellent performances, starting from a lower pickup pressure and an inferior minimum speed. Available in the 32-125 mm sizes, ISOline offers further advantages to system producers, thanks to the sensor assembly that shares in making the design more flexible. «We are hugely investing in innovation – states Simon Grass, Product Manager Actuators of IMI Precision Engineering – and the constant collaboration with our customers allows us to develop solutions that permit their machines to go on operating efficiently». The range of ISOline pneumatic cylinders is the fruit of in-depth research and development activity and has been devised and implemented to bring tangible benefits. The ISOline actuator is based on the proven reliability of our products and, thanks to the ACS technology, which facilitates the installation and extends the life of machinery, it also allows engineers to implement the “fit and forget” system, characterized by simple realization.
New air preparation units
The range of air preparation products has been enlarged, too, with the launch of IMI Norgren Excelon Plus. Light and small, it is a state-of-the-art air preparation equipment. It is a Filter Regulator Lubricator (FRL) that perfectly suits all industrial applications, matching compactness, lightweight, excellent performances and particular care of safety. As standard, they supply in fact particular systems, designed to prevent eventual tampering, which include padlock features on the shut-off valves and regulator and a rotating safety shut-off valves, which makes it easy to isolate the system without reducing its performances. Finally, it is present a unique double safety bowl-lock with an audible bowl clip that, when pressurized, makes it impossible to remove the bowl when in use. Innovative also the new maintenance system, which allows the filter element assembly to be removed with the bowl, in order to optimize cleaning times. It features a Quickclamp system, which acts as a bracket and locks Excelon Plus modules together, it can be used on single or modular assemblies and allows the installation and removal of single units without breaking a pipe connection. “Excelon Plus – states the product director David Wheelan – is the result of inventiveness, imagination and innovation. Since 1927, when Carl Norgren invented the automatic airline lubricator, we have been developing components that produce clean and controlled compressed air. As we know our customers have different requirements, we have developed a modular system that can be tailored for single applications, contributing in the operation in perfect efficiency and for the longest possible time of the machines used by customers”.
Upgraded valve islands

Novelties concern also the range of VM and VS valve islands, with PROFINET ITR and EtherNet/IP systems, which grant top flow rate values compared to the market offer, an almost endless number of configurations and connectivity options, conceived to enhance customers’ applications. The island of the VM line, offered in the sizes 10-15 mm of width of the valve body and flow rate respectively of 430 l/min and 1000 l/min, has been designed as solution to customers’ requirements, increasing connectivity options of VM10 valve islands, from those individually wired to multi-pole and fieldbus, up to including Industrial Ethernet. They can be configured from four to sixteen stations, with single or double solenoids, providing a high number of manual overrides and tube fitting sizes. The VM Series Valve Island offers more than 15 million configurations. VS18/26 IMI Norgren Modular Valve Islands include also PROFINET IRT and EtherNet/IP systems to give users the possibility of choosing the modularity characteristics they need and to add accessories easily. The clutch printed circuit board (PCB) technology requires only few seconds for the installation and, with just two screws, it is possible to mount additional sub-bases.
Three divisions for a broad offer
Multinational operating in over fifty Countries in the world, IMI Group is composed by the divisions IMI Critical Engineering, IMI Hydronic Engineering and IMI Precision Engineering and engages 11,000 employees. IMI Precision Engineering works at the technologies for the fluid control and motion, the offered product range includes also pneumatic valves, fluid control valves, pneumatic actuators, components for the air treatment and pneumatic fittings.