Just like the e-bikes where they are installed, R+W solutions used by these bikes are perfectly capable of balancing sports and health. A good example in this respect is provided by an e-bike used in the rehabilitation of patients following heart trouble.
E-bikes are all the rage right now. Italy’s association of motorbike and bicycle manufacturers, ANCMA, provides very clear data: sales of these environment-friendly and innovative means of transport recorded last year a 120% increase, very impressive as a percentage and also quite remarkable in absolute terms. E-bikes in Italy are more than 120,000; even Italian production is on the rise, having increased by 40% and bringing the share of Italian e-bikes on the total amount currently being used in Italy to 10%.
E-bikes use an engine powered by electric batteries to increase the drive provided by those pedalling, but this motion is necessary for the bike to move forward; it is therefore a solution which allows mobility while also providing an opportunity for healthy exercise. The perfect coherence of e-bikes with two domains which arouse a fast-growing interest, namely, respect for the environment and health-consciousness, explains their increasing popularity and allows to hope for a radiant future for this novelty, a helping hand for nature and for people too.
A special coupling for “medical” e-bikes
Of course, e-bikes use couplings to transmit the electric engine’s drive to the wheels, converting it into forward motion. A relatively new product such as the e-bike requires innovative solutions even as regards components, which must be compliant with the requests of this young and dynamic industry. This is very clear to R+W, the German multinational, leader in manufacturing precision couplings, line shafts and torque limiters; the company succeeded in turning its flexibility and capability of producing customized solutions for every requirement into one of the key factors of its success.

Just like the e-bikes where they are installed, R+W solutions used by these bikes are perfectly capable of balancing sports and health. A good example in this respect is provided by an e-bike used in the rehabilitation of patients following heart trouble. A flexible coupling, 20 mm in diameter and 30 mm long, was purposely designed to obtain an impulse with linear characteristics given a range of applied torque from 0 to 30 Nm. This definitely clever application may be connected to a smartphone APP and may be used by persons with heart problems, avoiding excessive efforts which could derive from pedalling without the engine’s assistance.
From healthly to leisure
Between “medical” e-bikes and those used for mobility and leisure, there is only a short distance – and it’s downhill all the way too: having been able to design a totally reliable and accurate coupling which ensures a perfectly linear transmission which may be monitored at all times, in an application where these features are essential for health reasons, R+W is all the more able to provide components capable of ensuring a pleasant experience to people using e-bikes for more standard mobility requirements. R+W is ready to provide e-bike manufacturers the support they require from every standpoint, be it the design phase or the choice of the ideal coupling, or the manufacturing and delivery of the amounts needed for serial production, with the speed and accuracy that have always been among the company’s strengths.

R+W Italia is an ideal business partner supplying couplings, line shafts and torque limiters, both standard versions and special solutions developed upon clients’ specific requests with the aim of providing the ideal coupling for every application; the vast product range includes solutions for every requirement.
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