Next autumn Fluidity , the line of solenoid valves line by the Italian company Aignep, improves its performances.

Fluidity is the line of solenoid valves by Aignep, subdivided into three typologies depending on the flowrate: direct-acting, direct-acting diaphragm and servo-assisted diaphragm valves. Direct-acting solenoid valves can deliver a maximum admissible pressure of 40 bars, thanks to a diameter of the fluid passage orifice ranging from 1 to 5 mm. Diaphragm models can reach a pressure of 25 bars, being equipped with an orifice for the fluid passage whose diameter varies from 10 to 25 mm. In this case, threads range from ¼“ up to 1” of diameter. The third solenoid valve type, still in diaphragm version ‘Series 03F’, even featuring the same sizes as the thread diameter and as the orifice, allows the opening-closing of the diaphragm even at pressures that can approach 0 bars. To satisfy the most different application ambits, they have provided for three types of seals: for temperatures from -10°C to +90°C NBR is advisable (air, inert gases and water up to 75°C, mineral oils, fuel oils and diesel), for temperatures from -10°C up to +140°C the adoption of FKM is preferable (mineral oils, petrol and fuel oils) while for -10°C to +140°C the EPDM is adopted (hot water and steam at a maximum pressure of 2.5 bars). The electro-pilot, made of stainless steel and laser-welded, allows reaching pressures up to 40 bars and approaching heavy applications.

«The Fluidity line is one of the five included in our production range and on which we are hugely investing, to the extent that in the future it might become a real Business Unit because it allows us to satisfy a very broad market, intercepting whatever fluid typology (from gas up to water and oils) – comments Graziano Bugatti, general manager of Aignep -. This line represents an evolution of our experience: the one of valve bodies in the fitting field and the automation one, concerning the electro-pilot».
Improved performances
The solenoid valve body is made of brass but since next autumn also the stainless steel version will be available, ideal for applications in environments with presence of aggressive fluids (like for instance the food industry). The guide-tube, the fixed and mobile core and springs are all made of stainless steel. This choice allows granting product sturdiness and duration in time. Another novelty for the autumn concerns the direct-acting solenoid valves of Series Fluidity: they will be made of stainless steel 316 with a new technology, through an injection process. This will permit to decrease the product cost by at least 30% compared to those implemented with the conventional micro-casting process. This will allow improving also the aesthetical look of solenoid valves, with a much smoother surface that grants a better fluidity of the liquid and a minor deposit of sediment.
On the market with strength
To be present on the market with strength. This is the motto of Aignep, a company that, since its foundation 30 years ago, keeps accepting the challenge of a multiform market in the compressed air’s world.
Established in 1976, the company worked first as contractor nationwide in the water and hydraulic field. Across the 80’s and 90’s Aignep reached the turning point, investing capitals in order to become producer of fittings while reducing its activity as contractor. In the last years the company has expanded the range of products.
In 1992 it has been merged into Bugatti Group, with interests in many other fields, such as outdoor lamps and machine tools. Only the shareholding structure changes; investments and research remain the most important activities of the daily work.