Specialized for sixty years in the manufacturing of transmission gears and precision mechanical machining, Moretti can supply from single items up to pre-series of high technological content parts, as complete supply for various sectors.
From precision cutting operations to complete gears
«The company – highlights Alessandro Moretti, third generation at the helm together with his father Massimo – at its establishment focuses on the gear cutting operation, supplying high-precision mechanical components and then specializing in the grinding of toothing and any other kind of couplings. Our market niche has always been characterized by job orders and orders that range from the prototype to the pre-series, that is to say batches with low numbers of parts, which generally do not exceed 50-100 units, however featuring absolute quality. Quality granted also by the ISO 9001 and ISO 9100 certifications and by an operational course that provides, at the machining end, that each batch is transferred inside the conditioned metrological room and that each component is subjected to the control of 100% of tolerances».

Due to this strategic approach, the company has demonstrated passion and dedication to go on growing and improving, however without ever giving up the distinguishing trait of its founder, by widening competences to provide always-complete solutions in the competitive sector of transmission gears.
From high-precision gear cutting to the whole manufacturing cycle
With headquarters in Rivoli (Turin), Moretti addresses sectors such as the prevailing aeronautical field, the machine tool industry (from the manufacturer to the system integrator, to the plant producer), and automotive.
«Sectors –Moretti comments– that in the last decade are undergoing a deep transformation, looking for subcontractors able to provide more and more complete solutions and not only the specific machining ».

The design complexity therefore needs the skills to support customers in the co-design phase and in the design development, optimizing gear cutting and making technical corrections. From this point of view, the company can supply not only high-precision gear cutting processes but also the whole manufacturing cycle, the complete implementation, creating customized machining cycles to satisfy the most different specifications.
«To reach this service level – Moretti adds – we have achieved the suitable structure for carrying out all production phases punctually, not only the gear cutting but also all stages of the manufacturing cycle, with the exclusion of heat treatments, entrusted to skilled external partners».
Synergy between state-of-the-art competences and technologies
The technological equipment on which the company relies includes around fifty machines that allow executing mechanical machining: up to three-axis turning in continuous; milling on machining centres up to 5 axes in continuous; external straight and helical gear cutting, external tapered and spiral-shaped gear cutting, internal gear cutting and broaching; electro-erosion (wire and plunge spark machining up to 4 axes in continuous); cylindrical grinding (external and internal); screw and thread grinding; gear tooth grinding; Hirth coupling and rack grinding.

«The last huge investment in technology – Moretti in person points out with satisfaction – dates back to last year, with the purchase from Klingelnberg Italiana of Höfler Viper 500, cylindrical gear grinding machine for continuous generating grinding, with which we have tried notably improving our qualitative level».
The machine fleet allows manufacturing medium-small size parts, generally having Ø in the 10 ÷ 500 mm range, up to a length of 1,000 mm.

«At the same time – Moretti adds – we also manufacture many components with non-diametral geometry, typically intended for aeronautics, where several geometrical complex shapes, featuring a toothing or not, are very common, with maximum lengths of 1,500 mm».
The mentioned technologies are managed by a staff consisting of almost twenty skilled operators, constantly trained. «The company goes on investing huge resources in this aspect – Moretti confirms. Even more in the last decade, employing new staff».

Ready to grow in the global market
Besides the investments made by Moretti in recent years, the information and managerial upgrading is not less important, to face more and more numerous job orders equally fragmented into small batches.
«This has led to a remarkable efficiency growth – Moretti underlines – permitting to manage a higher production with the same resources. Without forgetting the increment of flexibility and faster deliver terms, on average not exceeding 5-6 weeks since the order confirmation».
In view of growth and consolidation, along the years the company has enlarged its activities to improve the service, extending them, in addition with those more connected with gear cutting, through the production of Hirth couplings. In 2021, worth highlighting also the establishment of a new manufacturing site, a division dedicated to cylindrical grinding, with 5 available machines.
«The challenge in next years – Moretti ends– will be also increasing the market share abroad. Due to the competences, the process innovation, the acknowledgement and the skills in supplying complete solutions, I believe that our company relies on the entire potential to grow in the global market, too.