ICS 2018: 7th International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking

The challenge of industry 4.0 –  13-15 June 2018 Venice – Italy

The 7th International Congress on Science and Technology of Steelmaking (ICS 2018) will be organized by AIM, the Italian Association for Metallurgy, in Italy in June 2018.
ICS 2018 will provide a forum for researchers and manufacturers involved in the scientifc and technical developments of steelmaking.
This meeting is aimed at creating an opportunity for a technical exchange at an international level among the numerous experts involved in the steelmaking.
AIM will host as an integral part of ICS 2018 its traditional Conference on Heat Treatments – XXVI Convegno Nazionale Trattamenti Termici – which will start on 13 June, with a whole day in Italian language for Italian technicians and researchers and will go on the following days with technical sessions exclusively in English language. Therefore the topics of ICS 2018 will be integrated with the topics of Heat Treatments and Surface Engineering.

We kindly invite you to participate in ICS 2018 and are looking forward to meeting you in Venice!