Bonfiglioli Group, a world Italian leader in industrial automation solutions since 1956, extends the power range of the established Active Cube Inverters to up to 1.200 kiloWatt.
For target applications like plastic processing, HVAC… the Active Cube inverters are now a consistent solution with outstanding flexibility, communication and minimal space requirements.
The power range of the new drives is 160 – 400 kW for single inverters. With easy and cost effective parallel connection of up to 3 drives applications in power range of up to 1.200 kW can be realized on minimal panel space.
The minimum panel width for a 1.200KW drive is only 1.200 mm!
For different environmental requirements the Drives can be delivered in 400VAC or 690VAC versions with flexible supply connection options as 6/12Pulse or DC supply.
Of course all options of Active Cube inverters are available for the new size.
Especially the communication options for all actual and older networks like Profinet, EthernetIP, Ethercat and many more make Active Cube the perfect solution for any application.
As well the „Safe Torque off» functionality is integrated as a standard in any case.
The user has the option to select single drives or complete cabinet solutions that can be fully customized – the application defines the solution.