The Italian company Comur, whose roots date back to 1963, is acknowledged as reference partner for the supply of CNC machine tools for gears, especially gear shapers and gear hobbing machines, providing innovation, high quality and performances. We are referring to technologically advanced plants, highly customized, able to satisfy the most different requirements in terms of productivity, of small, medium and big manufacturing realities, operating in all sectors connected with the power transmission.
In this context, to make its products more competitive in the current strict market of gear cutting plants, the company is implementing a strong general action of internal reorganization, with the aim of further optimizing the management.
«This, naturally – the owner and sales manager, Matteo Tonelli, underlines – paying utmost attention not to affect the quality of products, constantly acknowledged as example of quality and reliability. Therefore, machines will be always equipped with the best components on the market, unceasingly provisioned by suppliers that hold primary brands and, especially, acknowledged as fidelized and professional».
Investing to grow
The above-mentioned operation also provides for the company’s allocation of some investments, suitable for assuring a better management and productivity, through the decrease of the so-called “bottlenecks” and/or other criticalities. Comur, for instance, has decided investing in a brand-new performing digital system dedicated to the production management and to the collection of various sensitive data.
«In addition to the management control –Tonelli adds– we have also faced some more “concrete” investments, such as the implementation of some machines inside the already well-equipped machining department».
As important are also the so-called less-tangible investments, like the one currently in course concerning the R&D area, field highly considered by Bologna company.
A further strategy adopted by the company, historically based on an internal management by means of specific job orders, depending on orders, consists in manufacturing also machines without orders and intended for representing “prompt delivery” opportunities, or anyway with very shortened delivery terms.
«Taken the full customization for granted–Tonelli states– which remains the peculiar feature of Comur machines, this management typology allows satisfying reactively the requirements of an increasingly fluctuating market and meeting the sudden work peaks that, by now often, affect the sectors connected with the power transmission field. The custom production is completed by another important strategy, which provides for the enlargement of the product range, with the target of reaching new sectors and/or supplying more completely the already acquired ones».
Such ambition has led Comur to the development of a new machine, which is complementary to gear cutting: the new gear shaving machine R 220 Cnc 7 axes. The shaving operation is diffusely used in various sectors, where the company intends to operate even more deeply.
Perfect automatic shaving machines
The new gear shaving machine R 220 Cnc 7 axes allows performing a complementary machining to gear cutting, processing module max. 8, and min/max 0/300 mm workable diameters. Controlled by CN Siemens 840D SL, the machine is equipped with direct motors on re-circulating ball screws to obtain utmost accuracy (with precision tolerance in the order of 0.001 mm), and automated system for fast loading and unloading: the introducing device collects the shaved workpiece and, with the same motion, it inserts one to be machined in the working area, simultaneously managing the two loading and unloading operations (externally it can be automated manually or by robot).
Worth highlighting that the machine can be supplied also without such system. Compatible with the requisites demanded for Industry 4.0, this new shaving machine is equipped with software studied and implemented for the automated management of corrections, according to eventual thermal drifts, detected by apposite installed probes.
From the machine to the complete service
The range completion, however, does not only derive from developments inside the company but also from a network of external partners, which allow Comur itself to propose and to supply “turn-key” solutions to its customers. With the addition of another highlight that has always characterized Comur brand, that is to say service. In fact, although the interventions in warranty period are almost null, service and customer satisfaction have always been elements considered a plus of the company.
«Our intention –Tonelli comments – consists in always increasing the quality and the reactivity of such service, also by means of investments, like for instance the choice of assuring the immediate availability of all necessary spare parts for plants, directly located in Comur or by fidelized suppliers».
Suitable service is assured by Comur also abroad, through a purposely implemented network of commercial partners, able to support final customers also from a technical point of view.
«This choice – Tonelli ends – has been made not only to avoid affecting the service provided in Italy, depriving it of resources and so keeping it unchanged, but also to transfer abroad the high qualitative service standard to which the domestic market has been accustomed».