Constantly researching industrial motion-control solutions that can match competitiveness, high control performances and energy efficiency, in its research centres Bonfiglioli has developed a product to meet such requirements. It is a Power Drive System based on the coupling of synchronous reluctance motors of BSR series with the electric drives of Active Cube series, equipped with dedicated sensorless vector control.
The solution is available in two optimized packages, respectively for the compactness and reduction of operation costs, with very high efficiency levels (IE4 class for the motor and IES2 class for the Power Drive System, according to the new Ecodesign EN 61800-9-2 regulation). Bonfiglioli Power Drive System allows minimizing the energy consumption in any operation point, thanks to the complete mathematical characterization of the motor on board of inverter (motor digital twin) that also grants a simple and reliable configuration of the system. The full integration of the package and the broad variety of available control strategies at software level determine accuracy in the sensorless speed control, stability in the torque control, high torque delivery even at low or null speed and excellent overload features.