Accurate and constant precision in machining. Capability of providing an all-round service to its customers, from the design to the manufacturing of the finished product. Very high quality standards. They are the leading principles that allow Solzi Ingranaggi, specialized in high-miniaturization reduction gears and gear motors, to deal with the market with determination, thanks to a well-organized structure, too.
Among the leader reference companies operating in the design and production of low-power gears and gear motors, stands out Solzi Ingranaggi, reality that boast a forty-year experience in its competence sectors. An acknowledgement that involves not merely executive activities but encompassing the entire design and development course of products, in collaboration and coordination with customers.
«Projects and initiatives constantly in progress – states one of the owners, Ugo Solzi – where utmost attention is paid to quality. The latter is a factor absolutely deemed winning, which not only allows us to stand out on the market but also to achieve those necessary margins to go on investing in technology and innovation».
In this context, they have recently integrated a new high-performance machine inside the company’s production unit.
«It is– explains Ugo Solzi – a fully automated NC machine that will enable us to manage our manufacturing flow even better, optimizing all available resources».

Constantly upgraded and integrated with new solutions, the machine fleet equipping the company’s production factory at Carnate (MB) includes, besides the new purchase, also automated gear cutting machines, NC gear-cutting machines, second position lathes and orbital riveting machines. Nevertheless, it is worth highlighting that several process phases are still carried out manually by the operator whose competence, coupled with the constant control of workpieces under machining, assures a higher product quality. Quality without compromise that involves also all those phases that might be considered not so strategic at a superficial analysis.
«I am referring for instance to small parts – adds Solzi – as well as to the execution of particular heat treatments and surface treatments that we entrust to skilled external partners».
Partners chosen and selected by Solzi Ingranaggi according to specific criteria and able to assure the same principles of attention to quality. A quality acknowledged in both national and international ambit; with the latter that today represents about 25% of the production for the company. A growing trend value in the last years for which Germany is a privileged certain partner that the company addresses with very positive outcomes.
At the service of automation
Numerous and transversal are the potential application sectors where the gears, the reduction units and the gear motors produced by the company can be used.

«Our reference sector is automation – states Solzi – term that anyway is even too generalist if referred to our activity. We have paid great attention to the medical and domotics sectors for a long time, since their technical requirements perfectly match the features and the peculiarities of our products: small sizes, low powers but great precision and high quality».
Different and variegated are the job orders fulfilled in time, including for instance the implementation of gears for electro-tools of various typologies, as well as micro-actuators and driving shafts. As widespread is the interest in gear motors, whose main application fields include also home automation and mechatronics in general, in addition to the above-mentioned ones.

«A highly customized production, anyway – adds Solzi – developed upon customers’ precise specifications, with product quality criteria that are discriminant of the job order itself. Sometimes not conventional requests, like one recently implemented for an Italian customer consisting of some gears for the musical sector».
Technical experience and skills gained in over forty years of activity that today allow satisfying the most different requirements and collaborating with customers for the study, the feasibility and the realization of new projects.
«Mainly small-medium customers – specifies Solzi – with batches – especially concerning gears, included on average between 2,000 and 5,000 pieces ».
Know-how, operational flexibility and prompt response granted by the precious contribution of a qualified staff, managed and coordinated by the owner, together with his daughter Simona for the accounting tasks and by his son-in-law Massimo Milani for the technical aspects and the production running and management.
A planetary gear motor for the medical sector
Tailor-made and customized according to single specifications, the production by Solzi Ingranaggi includes a wide executive choice: for straight or helical toothing gears, the hobbing is possible from module 0.15 to module in all material types (with eventual heat and surface treatments), with 2 mm external diameters and length up to 140 mm.

The company can execute bombed toothing or with special profiles. Besides, they implement worm screws, with milling from module 0.3 to module 4, executable in all material kinds with possible heat or galvanic treatments. In this case, Solzi itself can supply six-start screws, too.
Reduction units (both in planetary and gear cascade version) can be partially customized, supplied with standard motors or, upon specific demand, with motors directly supplied by customers. For the first ranges transmitted torque starts from 0.5 Nm; for cascade reduction gears it can reach variable torque included between 1.5 and 20 Nm. Recently introduced in the catalogue is also a planetary reduction gear series Azzurra, type SI/RID16, diameter 16 mm. Highly suitable execution for applications in medical ambit and for the handling of optical instruments, it can supplied up to 4 stages and with ratios from 3.5 to 509.